Our Adoption Story

It is our dearest wish to adopt a child. Our family is the center of our life and the source of our happiness. We feel truly blessed, but we believe that there is room for more joy as we search to complete our family.

We live in the East Valley of the Phoenix, Arizona metro area in an ideal place to raise a family. We are Christians who value education, fun, family time, and service, love and kindness toward others.

We hope to get to know you, and invite you to get to know us. If you'd like to talk or ask any questions, email us at brentandjuliab@gmail.com or call 480-213-7141.

Love Story

Brent and Julia
Our Story

From Julia:

We met on my first and only blind date. It was love at first sight. I fell in love when he started talking passionately about his favorite book. We were both English majors, and I found his love of books incredibly hot. He says I was cute, and that he loved talking to me.

The best date of my life. The best date of his life. We’ve been together ever since. We complement each other—supporting each other and helping each other to be our best selves. Our love has deepened and matured. Being parents together has been the sweetest thing.

Brent is an awesome dad. The night after I gave birth to our first child, I asked Brent to take care of him through the night. I had been in labor the previous two nights and the delivery had been difficult. Through the night I would wake to hear Brent talking to our newborn son about all the things they would do together:  bike rides, camping trips, fishing, hiking…. I remember lying there in the dark with a smile on my face. We had waited a long time for this child. Brent was as good as his word. He has done those things and more with our two sons. He loves to have an adventure.

From Brent:

I first saw Julia at college, on the first day of a semester.  She was visiting the class thinking about adding it to her schedule.  I saw her across the room and decided I was going to try to get her number after class.  So I went up to her and tried to hit on her, but when I asked for her number she declined. She had a boyfriend. She didn’t add the class. But afterwards I noticed her a few times around campus, and just remembered that she was that girl who had previously shot me down. 

About two years later, she was working with my cousin’s wife Stacey. Stacey decided we were perfect for each other and set us up on a blind date.  When I walked in to my cousin’s apartment where we were meeting for dinner, I saw Julia in the kitchen talking to Stacey.  I instantly recognized her and thought it was pretty funny.  After that first date, I never went out with anyone else.

As far as what first attracted me to Julia, it was that she was really pretty.  There’s nothing secret or mysterious about that.  But when we actually had our first date, it was the best date I’ve ever been on.  There was an easy, comfortable magic between us that night. 

The best way that I can describe my relationship with Julia is that I am very happily married. We are teammates and partners.  Julia and I may not analyze any given situation the same, but we almost always come to the exact same conclusion. I am 100% committed to Julia and our marriage. I value Julia. I know that without her, my life would not be anywhere near as good as it is.  I respect Julia. I am a good and trustworthy father; she knows I take good care of the kids when I am
with them.  I earn enough money so that she can be a stay at home mom.

Julia is a really dedicated mom.  She is smart, but also fun.  She values worthy things.  She isn’t judgmental.  She supports me.  She stays in shape.  She works hard.  She makes my life better in every way.

For strengths, our unity and mutual affection and respect is probably the most important.  We love each other.  We like each other. We value our relationship.  We are both committed to the idea that our relationship is important. 

Being a parent definitely affects our relationship as a couple.  Even though having kids takes time away from it just being the two of us, I think it has brought us closer together.  For example, because the boys’ birthdays are so close (only two days apart), and they’re only two years apart, we sometimes have one huge birthday party for both of them. Last year we had an enormous party with about 25 boys and a bunch of games and activities.  Even though we each had a lot of independent responsibilities with the party, we were both part of the same team and put on a great event.  Being parents also causes us to come together to make decisions, like discussing what extracurricular activities each of the children could benefit from.  And family nights, lake trips, vacations and other outings together are great.